Dr. Brad Klontz

Bradley T. Klontz, Psy.D., CFP® is a Founder of the Financial Psychology Institute® and an Associate Professor of Practice in Financial Psychology at Creighton University Heider College of Business. He is a Managing Principal of Your Mental Wealth® Advisors, a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, and a Former President of the Hawaii Psychological Association. He has partnered with organizations including JP Morgan Chase and H&R Block in efforts to help raise public awareness around issues related to financial health and financial psychology.

Dr. Klontz was awarded the Innovative Practice Presidential Citation from the American Psychological Association for his application of psychological interventions to help people with money and wealth issues and his innovative practice in financial psychology for practitioners across the country.

Dr. Klontz has been a columnist for the Journal of Financial Planning, On Wall Street, and PsychologyToday.com and has co-authored/co-edited five books on the psychology of money:

Money Mammoth Money Mammoth (Wiley, 2020)
Facilitating Financial HealthFacilitating Financial Health: Tools for Financial Planners, Coaches, and Therapists, 2nd (NUCO, 2016)
Financial TherapyFinancial Therapy: Theory, Research & Practice (Springer, 2014)
Mind Over MoneyMind Over Money (Broadway Business, 2009)
Wired for WealthWired for Wealth (HCI, 2008)
The Financial Wisdom of Ebenezer ScroogeThe Financial Wisdom of Ebenezer Scrooge (HCI, 2005, 2008)

His work has been featured on ABC News’ 20/20, Good Morning America, and in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time, Kiplinger’s, Money Magazine, NPR and many other media outlets and professional magazines and journals.


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